

Technology Empowered Production Units

We procure raw materials from reliable sources that are certified by authorized organizations that assure precision and high quality. 

We use advanced technology at our production units to offer fully welded leakproof tubes with smooth inner welding without blisters.

Our production units are capable of delivering ample quantity of products that are precise and are packed and stored in our extensive chain of warehouses.


Warehouse Management

We have a well-managed warehouse system to handle the inventory and logistics. Our warehouses are always well-stocked. Our warehouse chains are spread across the state to ensure prompt delivery of our tubes and pipes to the customer.

Our technology-aided warehouse management system assures ample storage and supply of our products that come in the right sizes, cuts and shapes meeting the parameter requirements of the customer every time.


Our Presence

We have set up offices and warehouses in major cities across Kerala, with over one lakh sq. ft. of facilities. Our dedicated team handles more than 2.5 lakh metric tonnes of steel per annum. Our technologically advanced warehouses are strategically located at Kozhikode, Palakkad, Cheranallur, Edayar, Alangad, Kochi, Kottayam and Kollam.